Nuuksio Reindeer Park and White Reindeer Teepee Restaurant

Nuuksio Reindeer Park and White Reindeer Teepee Restaurant

Nuuksio Reindeer Park

Nuuksiontie 83, Espoo, Finland
(30 km from Helsinki and HEL Airport, 1 km from Finnish Nature Center Haltia)

Experience a touch of northern magic in Finland's southernmost reindeer park in Nuuksio. The reindeer came from Finnish Lapland to Nuuksio at Christmas 2013 and two more reindeer came in spring 2019 and the youngest one, adorable white reindeer came in February 2021. White reindeer is very rare. We have now six reindeer at the park. Male Usva (born 2018) and females: Taika, Lumi, Nella (all born 2013), Tähti (born 2016) and Helmi (born 2020). Tähti is Usva's mother.  

White Reindeer Teepee
Enjoy a delicious lunch, dinner with wine, or campfire coffee with a bun in the cozy Lappish hut. Food services are available by reservation only for groups. Reservations must be made at least one week in advance of the desired date.

A visit to the Reindeer park, a campfire coffee break or dining in the teepee can be combined with a reservation of the Karhunpesä-Bear’s Nest Villa.

Amethyst mining shelter  
The amethyst raw stone is a unique memory with the magic and stone energy of Lapland. Amethyst is a meditation and power stone that is believed to calm, protect and strengthen the flow of life and what is yet to come. Buy your mining passport during the visit to Reindeer Park and dig your own lucky stone. The stone comes with a cerrificate of authenticity.

The general opening hours of the ReindeerPpark and additional information can be found on the reindeer park's official website: